星球大战五〇一军团中国驻防军 Star Wars 501st Legion Chinese Garrison






标题 版块/群组 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
SL5355 申请attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application DarthZ 2013-5-11 42302 DarthZ 2013-5-11 16:45
新军官申请 定妆照attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 装甲战兔 2013-5-8 02248 装甲战兔 2013-5-8 21:43
1138张老星战三部曲的片场+花絮照片 银河闲人酒吧 Cantina without Star Wars hatta 2013-5-8 32989 胖胖的小豆包 2013-5-29 13:13
道具配件的發掘 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties jabba1967 2013-5-1 12568 DarthZ 2013-5-1 09:30
【一图流】Cody+212空降部队attachment 收藏交流展示 Products & Collectibles Show no209 2013-4-29 34753 lililala6868 2020-2-21 10:37
Meet with the Dark Lord ...2 综合讯息讨论 General Info. & Discussion zhongvador 2013-4-29 117871 DarthZ 2013-5-1 09:27
IG申请,定妆照attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 铁血中尉 2013-4-28 32605 manadita 2013-4-28 17:16
CO darthz给《1626》杂志写的有关星战头盔的文章 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties hatta 2013-4-23 23537 大酋长 2016-12-29 10:52
lego 10221 收藏交流展示 Products & Collectibles Show styginius 2013-4-5 25791 styginius 2013-4-21 09:35
TK-17173 (shiru_0079) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-4-2 12478 manadita 2013-4-4 23:29
SOLD FS - DA版 帝国暴风兵 盔甲已出售attachment 露天交易市场 Sell & Trade DarthZ 2013-3-30 64625 leyan 2023-8-24 12:08
新TK定妆求审attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application shiru_0079 2013-3-28 32411 铁血中尉 2013-4-28 12:35
本版置顶 露天交易市场暂行版规 露天交易市场 Sell & Trade blooddog 2013-3-28 03038 blooddog 2013-3-28 09:32
TB-99899 (猫桑) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12741 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:22
SL-16814 (宁宁) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12137 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:21
TK-60708 (tojan) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12256 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:20
TK-83126 (豆包) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12163 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:19
BH-26461 (Maliwan Teera-apisukkul) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12109 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:19
BH-16461 (Emma Picard) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12177 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:18
ID-84822 (猫太MissJ) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12161 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:17
ID-10225 (牛牛) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12181 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:16
TX-12901 (Frankie) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12144 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:10
TI-20100 (Vincent) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12246 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:09
TB-10188 (Cagersky) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12029 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:08
TB-10086 (皮皮) 加入帝国军501军团序列 大陆成员列表 Chinese Garrison Member List 迪奥 2013-3-20 12147 DarthZ 2013-3-21 00:07
my boots 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties skyone 2013-3-10 32931 skyone 2013-3-12 01:12
EFX Tie Fighter 收藏交流展示 Products & Collectibles Show clone_viper 2013-3-9 83682 D日 2013-4-2 14:21
AT-AT 驾驶员 - 先冒个泡的WIPattachment  ...2345 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties DarthZ 2013-3-4 4213851 DarthZ 2013-10-10 00:46
E11 arduino ...2 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties skyone 2013-3-2 146828 luketime 2013-3-11 17:58
SGB(skygunbro) Ralph M 概念版 Boba Fettt头盔第二版attachment 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties DarthZ 2013-2-27 32609 DarthZ 2013-2-27 17:08
新斥候报道请审核attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 机车侦查猫 2013-2-27 22402 blooddog 2013-3-1 09:16
宁宁申请SL定装照attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application darthnn 2013-2-26 32545 hatta 2013-3-1 23:43
TOJAN-TK申请定妆照片 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application tojan 2013-2-25 42377 tojan 2013-2-26 19:46
SGB (Skygunbro ) Ralph M的最终版原设帝国冲锋队员盔attachment 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties DarthZ 2013-2-12 32836 zhongvador 2013-2-15 11:19
各位新春快乐!attachment 综合讯息讨论 General Info. & Discussion D-灏客 2013-2-9 33832 winne8 2016-3-12 17:41
新增TI5355, 请GML大人予以指点attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application DarthZ 2013-2-3 22742 DarthZ 2013-2-6 00:40
新增盔甲申请 TK 6833 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application manadita 2013-1-27 52673 DarthZ 2013-2-6 00:41
新增 斥候 woodzz 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application woodzz 2013-1-13 42710 hatta 2013-1-15 12:39
胖胖的小豆包—TK申请 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 胖胖的小豆包 2013-1-13 22406 DarthZ 2013-1-14 15:33
裝備升級 : E-11配件 / SE-14R / 臂腕控制器 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties jabba1967 2013-1-3 32873 hatta 2013-1-7 10:21
传奇仍在继续【Albin Johnson谈新的星战电影】 综合讯息讨论 General Info. & Discussion blooddog 2012-12-27 33456 hatta 2013-1-14 22:01
新添盔甲 - CC7818 Commander Gree报到attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application DarthZ 2012-12-9 22495 jabba1967 2012-12-11 22:37
新军官审核请求attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 机车侦查猫 2012-11-26 42645 机车侦查猫 2012-11-26 18:10
EVO3 Commander Neyo头盔制作完成attachment 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties DarthZ 2012-11-26 02642 DarthZ 2012-11-26 01:39
裝備升級 : 暴風兵脖圍 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties jabba1967 2012-11-24 02520 jabba1967 2012-11-24 11:12
士官申请!attachment 军团新兵申请 Legion Recruit Application 早狼 2012-11-18 22579 blooddog 2012-11-21 08:38
C3PO of zhongvador 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties zhongvador 2012-11-11 22417 DarthZ 2012-11-11 13:02
Boba Fett PP2 ( Pre-production 2 ) 盔 - 光ESB,ROTJ明显不够了。。。 ...23 盔甲装备制作 Armor & Helmet Properties DarthZ 2012-11-4 2611951 DarthZ 2015-3-10 08:13
迪斯尼收购卢卡斯影业,EP7在2015年上映! 综合讯息讨论 General Info. & Discussion blooddog 2012-10-31 33340 TK-6528 2012-11-3 17:43
501st Legion Chinese Outpost Patch ...2 收藏交流展示 Products & Collectibles Show hatta 2012-10-29 107856 DarthZ 2013-12-7 12:07