星球大战五〇一军团中国驻防军 Star Wars 501st Legion Chinese Garrison




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发表于 2007-8-27 01:43:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
银 河 帝 国 五 〇 一 军 团 - 会 员 注 册 申 请
  G! k! ~/ V) o# V
! K* P1 r9 @7 E五〇一军团是一个什么样的团体?
) t4 y# e7 ^6 U- O
. I) [& J5 O' `2 ~, N" E五〇一军团("维德铁拳") 是一个由一群拥有星球大战电影中帝国暴风兵(或其他帝国角色)道具服并扮演的同好所组成的团体。我们参与任何类型的活动,包括非自愿性的慈善及募款活动,同时在各项展览场合中演出。1 M- w6 l8 Y% ~7 t

8 S5 ~7 B7 e8 i) x+ ]9 u8 i所以您现在己经知道了,您真的想加入吗?3 I$ |$ a1 _, O% ?; m, E+ s
  L7 H+ K( S; c+ K# A
如果您拥有一套高品质的星战反派道具服,只需依照下列步骤便可加入。除了年龄上及道具服品质上的要求外,加入五〇一军团并无任何其他限制,加入本部是完全免费的。五〇一军团是一个纯为兴趣而成立的非盈利性团体,我们是一群向乔治卢卡斯所创造的科幻角色而致敬的同好。: @2 X! G$ b( n- C

" n5 {; ~0 _7 e* _- m' u7 ~. e/ Y有关五〇一军团宗旨的进一步资讯,请参阅五〇一军团宪章第一条规定。- T& b5 n* c4 }1 ?/ J! A* r' T& M
' G! H6 X4 P; y0 C3 h/ D
第一步: 您符合会员资格吗?
7 z, N% Q( S& t5 {5 i
" N" Z9 O6 @5 ?9 V; I  b- K4 R$ S0 P您是否拥有一套足可代表在星球大战电影或星球大战外传世界中有出现的高品质专业级反派角色道具服? 请注意: 起义军扮装者应加入我们的姊妹组织-起义军组织* F" G. o, U/ [0 u4 ^
1 s% s' \; O8 i" P2 y  ?+ p

! A1 `1 i: O) W您是否己年满十八足岁?
( I9 Z3 B, m  X, ~( t有关五〇一军团会员资格的进一步资讯,请参阅五〇一军团宪章第二条规定。  V1 ^6 D- f6 |: M; v
) _$ i3 B: o# Z
第二步: 填写五〇一军团加入会员申请书。
8 A# b- p* A4 A' U: l0 |* n3 N) B! O
以英文填写。8 V$ q6 _+ }: |! E4 X5 Z* L

" q" P7 f8 J  \, s0 j所有提交知加入五〇一军团会员申请资料均属保密,资料只会用于登录五〇一军团的用途。 如您对会员申请书中有选择公开的资料,该资料将会刊登在您会籍资料的页面上。 请按此观看501部队创办人Albin Johnson的会籍资料来参考保密及公开资料的情况。 请注意: 刚被核淮加入的新会员,在501st.com首页的"新加入会员"(Newest Recruits)栏位中,在一小段时间内会显示该位新加入会员的姓名、部队军籍编号及入伍日期。: x; T/ ~( N2 X3 c7 y* T: r/ `* k; d

, l, W9 q+ }) g5 l. ~# c您需要选择一组由四个阿拉伯数字所组成的军籍编号(该组号码需未被其他五〇一军团会员占用)。 视道具服的不同种类,军籍编号前面的两个英文字母也会不同。 例如,TK-####代表帝国暴风兵;TD-####则代表帝国沙漠兵。 建议在您选择您的五个军籍编号前,可先查阅本部队资料库现存会员名单中所使用的军籍编号。" G; l4 h! U* J8 Q5 q  t6 f

$ d# \" p& m2 H* q! ^有关五〇一军团道具服的前置指引,请查阅"道具服资料档案库"(Costume Reference Library)。
. e( O) b( M2 \% R  Z0 U; p+ i% q; O- }; }/ J& k" K/ W  ~6 \8 e
第三步: 准备您的相片! c7 Q, o- Y' R2 {2 P0 O$ Y

3 [0 f/ B6 s! \0 j在您提出会员申请的同一时间,负责五〇一军团会籍申请的同仁便会知晓您的加入请求。 您所属的地方驻军会籍覆核官(Garrison Membership Liaison/GML)将会主动与您联络来审查您的会员资格,会籍覆核官会要求您提供您穿上道具服的相片作为审查一举。 请查阅五〇一军团部队列表来找到您的地方驻军会籍覆核官 (GML)。
: U6 Y# i! i( L' ]. i
9 o1 w! i! r9 w$ }: k' g请提供您一个人穿上道具服背景为全净白的相片数张 (请勿提供参加各项展览的扮装相片)。 我们需要您戴上头盔及摘下头盔的道具服相片 (非头盔类道具服除外)。 请确定相片中有包括您穿上道具服的正面、背面、左侧及右侧面的全身照。  请在足够的光源下进行相片的拍摄,如此可以帮助我们查验道具服的细节。  您所提供的相片除了作为会籍覆核官道具服审查的用途外,更会在经过修辑后添加图框展示在501st.com。
* u# r: x: U  A; [0 P2 z! r8 U- m1 ?+ l7 I2 }
6 }3 O7 A$ ^+ T5 f
" y7 ?- K, L7 i: J第四步: 等候五〇一军团团会籍覆核官 (501st Legion Membership Officer) 1876 Thomas Spanos的联系 ; `9 n2 i8 Z/ ?# A. ]5 V# S
6 i9 Q" L+ `9 `3 w( k# K0 {: K
一旦您的会员申请被核淮,您将会收到确认的电邮通知。 您将会获得您的部队团军籍编号,而您在五〇一军团资料库中的会籍纪录将被设定成"生效" (ACTIVE)。
# Y$ D+ \$ J6 ]- O
/ T# S9 B0 r3 ?% k, Z" w如果您的会员申请并未被核淮,您的地方驻军会籍覆核官会对您提供协助,协助项目包括提供您资源与建议来改进您的道具服来达到部队团的要求标准。2 y, o( G' j# Q

( A7 n2 ^: J8 u, n. `- i- K. e2 e第五步: 开始操练!
  h, a0 q2 |5 D1 @; c( B( T3 s+ e- ]! m
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 01:54:25 | 显示全部楼层
本文有删改,感谢台湾同好的翻译。繁体中文版参见此处http://www.chinese-starwars.com/501/joinus.htm  W9 B4 L4 ]) ?9 s4 W

8 A( k# c/ |  j/ y% ^3 t& r 4zmokmq.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 05:09:10 | 显示全部楼层

英文原版 http://www.501st.com/members/join_how.cfm

501st Legion - Apply for Member Registration9 B" A. C) r. i) ]0 M+ G
WHAT IS THE 501st LEGION?2 n% M; B& g0 P, S) J8 A
# w) H; o% Q6 C: I, o
The 501st Legion ("Vader's Fist") is a fan-based organization for people who own and proudly wear the costumes of the Stormtroopers (and other Imperial characters) from the Star Wars movies. We participate in all sorts of activities, including but not limited to attending volunteer charity and fundraising events and 'trooping' at conventions. 2 \0 S( g/ B% W8 z2 y$ J0 d
- e* N* l7 q. \3 q

1 l  q" w0 R9 A, T2 `2 JIf you own a high quality costume of a Star Wars villain, just follow the steps below. There are no fees and the only requirements pertain to age and costume quality. The 501st is just a fun, non-profit group of fans honoring the characters from George Lucas' wonderful imagination.% ~7 u( ]: X' q3 ]* k
) ]1 {8 p( W/ t7 Q3 i8 J
For further information regarding our club mission, please read Article 1 of the Club charter. 8 z  p  T% w; v- S6 k
0 U* T' a; x/ j  G- ~& b: H+ n
STEP ONE : Do you qualify for membership?
$ s7 D/ s; |8 {
4 y( E2 y1 H+ t$ O' CDo you own a professional quality Star Wars costume representing a documented villainous character from the Star Wars films or Expanded Universe? Note: Rebel costumers should join the Rebel Legion, our sister organization.
  k( U/ _3 Q; C0 B3 fAre you at least 18 years old?
( G+ o0 T" A( ^+ v# g2 ^/ zFor further information regarding our club membership qualifications, please read Article 2 of the Legion Charter.
2 x% K4 k  p, e$ @4 N6 p$ K& z) N8 v
STEP TWO : Fill out the 501st Legion Application Form to apply for membership.
4 B% Q* P3 ]1 q7 ]- }% |' k" S. l9 {4 f
APPLY in English
. C, s, c! o1 K3 c2 Q. R, _+ \+ V8 Z$ T& |  e
All information submitted will be kept confidential and will be used only for 501st Legion registration purposes, except information you designate as "public" which will be posted on your member profile page. Click here to see the Legion Founder Albin Johnson's record for an example of private versus public information. Note: Newly approved applicants will have their name, Legion ID number and enlistment date displayed on the 501st.com home page under "Newest Recruits" for a limited amount of time.
9 y' G' v$ \9 t3 w
" t! B$ }% \% @You will need to select a Legion ID number (a 4 digit number which is not already in use). The 2-letter prefix will vary depending on your costume. For example, TK-#### would be a Stormtrooper and TB-#### would be a Biker Scout. Check the database or our full roster listing of current IDs in use for available numbers before selecting your top 5 choices.
, b9 Q0 C  D; r" wFor further information regarding our club costume prefix designations, please consult the Costume Reference Library.
5 h1 f0 l3 C$ V2 q2 O% t0 ?
% f/ w6 h, R) v* TSTEP THREE : Prepare your photographs.# C' Q, b7 x$ V
& ?( U" }- H: X. {
Upon submission of your application, the 501st Legion Membership Team will be made aware of your request to join. Your local Garrison Membership Liaison will contact you to verify your qualifications and will most likely ask for pictures of you in your costume for validation. See the 501st Legion Garrison Listings to identify your local GML.
; l' ~3 ~/ p/ a8 o7 J. q
/ M  U( e4 y1 ]) @8 d, c9 g1 YSubmit pictures of yourself ALONE against a PLAIN BACKGROUND (no convention photos, please). We will need photos with your helmet on and off (if applicable). Please make sure to include a full-length view of your costume from the front, back, and both sides. Also be sure to take your photos with adequate lighting to help us inspect the details. This picture will not only serve as your verification of costume for the membership officer, but will also be edited and placed within a frame graphic for display on 501st.com. - V* b8 Y. f) @/ Z' Z
For further information regarding the organization of the 501st, please read Article 3 of the Legion Charter. 1 M/ R; k. j* S# ~. u7 J8 E

5 @- O0 U: Y3 B* [" [: gSTEP FOUR : Wait for communication from the 501st Legion Membership Officer, 1876, Thomas Spanos
5 r, i% P0 Q9 P, C0 q6 q7 g4 I
$ E! t! @& `  D0 ^If your application is approved, you will receive confirmation via e-mail. You will get your Legion ID assigned and your record marked as "ACTIVE" in the 501st Legion member database. * S5 `' H  |  F7 _/ b1 J3 l
' F3 F3 ?" P( A6 [7 k' @
If you are not validated for membership, your local GML will work with you and provide recommendations and resources that can assist you in improving your costume to meet Legion requirements.
* ^; ~: A: w" G* B; b9 U& o8 p( X9 \6 \

$ V3 m  r' M( ?, I9 l5 U. \STEP FIVE : Start TROOPING!
. Y# N9 ~; \0 b5 c& d# J+ A" E# v( ]. W
* b) k! m' `! z) R' AContact your fellow Garrison members to find out about local events so you can get out there and help bring order to the galaxy!
发表于 2007-8-29 17:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-30 17:36:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 AlQaeda 于 2007-8-29 17:58 发表
5 S: m4 n7 k7 ~' R) A* p现在正在为道具服而头痛......
* o; g9 p# A/ C2 C$ Y6 `7 i. D; }
4 a* n  M6 }$ _. l5 x
即使盔甲有难度  成为光荣的帝国军官 (ID: Imperial Officer ) 也可以阿  参见此2帖( e& ~- v# y) h/ q# V; ]4 P% I1 y: p
" P  E" T: v( L2 u1 T; R
http://www.501st.com.cn/bbs/view ... ;amp;extra=page%3D1# j) s+ E5 M+ v6 D! n' t0 }& e4 B

: @$ w% o9 z6 A1 l2 mhttp://www.501st.com/members/costumeroster.cfm?costumeID=9
! L7 H: j8 {0 F( t5 @4 m3 u" P; b6 @- Z; j. N8 Z
[ 本帖最后由 blooddog 于 2008-2-12 00:40 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-30 21:58:42 | 显示全部楼层
( ?% K- W4 K0 E0 p
; M* {" l, m1 h8 l( _. ? IGsign副本.jpg
发表于 2007-9-10 22:16:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-11 15:28:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-13 19:42:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-15 07:56:07 | 显示全部楼层
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